1995 Sagacho Exhibit Space, Tokyo
1996 F-ritz Art Center, Maebashi, Gumma
1996 Honen-in Temple (Hojyo and Kodo), Kyoto
About the exhibition: In this exhibition, the artist Sanae Takahata reveals a unique approach to creating a self-portrait. Following the principle "To know yourself is to forget yourself," she chose to paint portraits as a means of capturing her "self." I have a piece of you. You have a piece of me." This four-year project started with interviews in Seattle, New York, Paris, Cuba, and Japan that focused on the affirmative. What makes you smile? What keeps you going? During this interview process, the artist met her "self," i.e. commonalities between herself and her subjects. It is this "self" that the artist sees in her subjects that she painted. The titles of the paintings disclose the traits that she shares with her subjects. The series is aspiring, bright and leaves the viewer with positive feelings that are universal.
Womanhood 1991-1992
33.4 x 24 cm (13" x 9-1/2")
Oil on Canvas
Womanhood 1991-1992
194 x 130cm (76" x 51")
Oil on Canvas
Reception 1991-1992
33.4 x 24 cm (13" x 9-1/2")
Oil on Canvas
Reception 1991-1992
194 x 130cm (76" x 51")
Oil on Canvas
Creation 1991-1993
33.4 x 24 cm (13" x 9-1/2")
Oil on Canvas
Creation 1991-1993
200 x 2700cm (78.75" x 106.25")
Oil on Canvas
Emancipatio 1992-1993
33.4 x 24 cm (13" x 9-1/2")
Oil on Canvas
Emancipation 1992-1993
194 x 130cm (76" x 51")
Oil on Canvas
Volition 1993-1994
33.4 x 24 cm (13" x 9-1/2")
Oil on Canvas
Volition 1993-1994
194 x 130cm (76" x 51")
Oil on Canvas
Mischief 1993-1994
33.4 x 24 cm (13" x 9-1/2")
Oil on Canvas
Mischief 1993-1994
194 x 130 cm (76" x 51")
Oil on Canvas
Elan Vital 1993-1994
33.4 x 24 cm (13" x 9-1/2")
Oil on Canvas
Elan Vital 1993-1994
194 x 130cm (76" x 51")
Oil on Canvas
Harmony 1993-1994
33.4 x 24 cm (13" x 9-1/2")
Oil on Canvas
Harmony 1993-1994
194 x 130 cm (76" x 51")
Oil on Canvas
Yin & Yang 1993-1995
200 x 2700cm (78.75" x 106.25")
Oil on Canvas
Yin & Yang 1993-1995
33.4 x 24 cm (13" x 9-1/2")
Oil on Canvas
Continuity 1993-1994
33.4 x 24 cm (13" x 9-1/2")
Oil on Canvas
Continuity 1993-1994
194 x 130 cm (76" x 51")
Oil on Canvas
Peace & Love 1993-1994
33.4 x 24 cm (13" x 9-1/2")
Oil on Canvas
Peace & Love 1993-1994
194 x 130 cm (76" x 51")
Oil on Canvas
Peaceful Coexistence 1993-1994
33.4 x 24 cm (13" x 9-1/2")
Oil on Canvas
Peaceful Coexistence 1993-1994
194 x 130 cm (76" x 51")
Oil on Canvas
Introspection 1991-1992
33.4 x 24 cm (13" x 9-1/2")
Oil on Canvas
Introspection 1991-1992
194 x 130 cm (76" x 51")
Oil on Canvas
Security 1992-1993
33.4 x 24 cm (13" x 9-1/2")
Oil on Canvas
Security 1992-1993
194 x 130 cm (76" x 51")
Oil on Canvas
Reclusion 1991-1992
33.4 x 24 cm (13" x 9-1/2")
Oil on Canvas
Reclusion 1991-1992
194 x 130 cm (76" x 51")
Oil on Canvas
Independence 1993-1994
33.4 x 24 cm (13" x 9-1/2")
Oil on Canvas
Independence 1993-1994
194 x 130 cm (76" x 51")
Oil on Canvas
Hope 1993-1994
33.4 x 24 cm (13" x 9-1/2")
Oil on Canvas
Hope 1993-1994
194 x 130 cm (76" x 51")
Oil on Canvas
Intimate Reflections 1991-1995
Symposiums at Sagacho
Date: Sunday, October 22, 1995,
Time: 2:00PM~5:00PM
Miyako Ishiuchi (Artist and one of the models in the メIntimate Reflectionsモ series)
Chizuko Ueno (Professor of Sociology, Tokyo University)
Sanae Takahata (Artist)
Kazuko Koike (Art Director of Sagacho Exhibit Space)
Topic 1: Recuperating From The Self - C.Ueno, S.Takahata and K.Koike
Topic 2: Self and Body - C.Ueno, S.Takahata, K. Koike and M.Ishiuchi
Related Publication: "A Na Ta Ta Chi"
Watashi to deaitakereba A Na Ta TA Chi no naka ni ikinasai
(Go Amongst The You To Encounter The Self)
Words by: Chizuko Ueno
Images by: Sanae Takahata
After word by: Kazuko Koike
Published by: Japan Broadcast Publishing Co., Ltd.
All right reserved SANAE TAKAHATA 2007