Tokyo Story 1991 is a series in which the artist observes Tokyo from her half-outsider's viewpoint. Focus is on the media's sensationalism and decadent consumerism surrounding the collapse of the bubble economy.
Tokyo Story 1
1991 130x89.5cm (51" x 35") Oil on canvas
Tokyo Story 2
1991 130x89.5cm (51" x 35") Oil on canvas
Tokyo Story 3
1991 130x89.5cm (51" x 35") Oil on canvas
Tokyo Story 4
1991 130x89.5cm (51" x 35") Oil on canvas
Safety Zone
1991 130x 89.5 (51"x35") Oil on Canvas
Your Ysterday's Treasure
Hiyoshi, Yokohama
1991 117x 91 (46"x36") Oil on canvas
Daily Supplies
Hiyoshi District, Yokohama, Kanagawa
1991 117x91cm (46"x36") Oil on canvas
Shining Clean Easy Smile
Shibuya, Tokyo
1991 122x 81cm (48"x32") Oil on canvas
kid's land
1991 130x89.5cm (51"x35") Oil on canvas
Going Back Home . Sweet Home
1991 130x89.5cm (51"x35") Oil on canvas
All right reserved SANAE TAKAHATA 2007